Challenging ourselves to bring new and original ways of thinking
CERRA-Africa Data Centre supports Catholic Sisters to conduct and participate in Action Research, empowering them to make decisions about their lives and apostolate on tangible evidence. The Data Centre also provides mentorship to sisters while upscaling their skills and ensuring that they have capacity necessary to create impactful and sustainable change in their service.
The focus is to create strong networks among Congregations to enhance positive transformations in their lives, ministries and the communities they serve.
A leading center for action research, management and access of data on religious life and apostolates in Africa.
To strengthen the capacity, collaboration and knowledge of religious women in tracking critical information on impact and sustainability of Religious life and Apostolate.
To establish a Data Centre Collaborative Research for the Religious and their partners engaged in scientific research.
Preserve Catholic Sisters heritage for reference, decision making on the apostolate and ministry.
Provide space and stimulus for collaboration and networking between University researchers and the Catholic Sisters service.
Organizational capacity strengthening on research, data management and analysis
Sr. Dr. Josephine Kangogo (DSH)
AOSK Chairperson
Chairperson CERRA-Africa Board
Sr. Dr. Josephine Kangogo Keino
Sr. Dr. Josephine Kangogo Keino is a member of the Religious Institute of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart. She has been the Provincial leader of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart, East Africa Province for 8 years – a post she holds to date.
She is the current Chairperson of the Association of Sisterhoods of Kenya (AOSK) as well as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Centre for Research in Religious Life and Apostolate (CERRA Africa).
Sr. Dr. Josephine holds a PhD in Education Psychology from Maasai Mara University, a Masters in Education Psychology and a Bachelors in Education from Kenyatta University; a Certificate in Finance from Marywood University, and a Certificate in the Practice of Organizational Leadership from Tangaza University College.
She’s passionate about research and also enjoys facilitating workshops/seminars and accompanying young religious men and women in their journey of discernment in religious life. She’s excellent as an innovator and a risk taker in leadership for the growth of the Congregations/ Organizations.
Very Rev. Prof. Stephen M. Ngari
VC, Catholic University of Eastern Africa
Host / CERRA-Africa Board Member
Very Rev. Prof. Stephen Mbugua Ngari
Very Rev. Prof. Stephen Mbugua Ngari is the Rector/Vice Chancellor of The Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA), as well as the Host/Board Member of CERRA-Africa Data Center.
Very Rev. Prof. Mbugua is a diocesan priest of the Catholic Diocese of Nakuru where he has served in numerous capacities including as the Chair of the Diocesan Priests Council for many years and member of the Bishop’s College of Consultors.
He holds a doctorate in Educational Psychology from Egerton University and has over 25 years of experience and knowledge in management and leadership. He has numerous scholarly publications as well as wide knowledge coupled with experience of the Kenyan tertiary education system.
Prior to joining CUEA, he was the Vice Chancellor Designate at Tangaza University College, a constituent college of CUEA. He also served Egerton University at various levels including as the Dean of Students, the Director of University Welfare Services, the Chair of the Department of Psychology, Counseling & Educational Foundations as well as the Catholic Chaplain.
Very Rev. Prof. Stephen Mbugua has served in various key positions. He is a resource person for the Commission for University Education which includes Peer Reviewer in Curriculum and Accreditation; a member of the Presidential Working Party on Education Reform in Kenya (2022); Chair of the Private Universities Association, Kenya (2022); Member of Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) as well as Vice chair of the International Federation for Catholic Universities (IFCU).

Sr. Dr. Pasilisa Namikoye (LSOSF)
AOSK Secretary General
CERRA-Africa Board Treasurer
Sr. Dr. Pasilisa Namikoye
Sr. Dr. Pasilisa Namikoye, is a Little Sister of St Francis (LSOSF), currently the AOSK EXECUTIVE SECRETARY and CERRA-Africa Board Treasurer. She holds a PHD in Finance from THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN AFRICA, a Master’s Degree in Finance & Investment from KCA UNIVERSITY, a Business Administration degree in Finance and an advanced Diploma in accountancy from St. Augustine University of Tanzania.
Sr. Dr. Pasilisa has lectured at JKUAT University and KIBABII UNIVERSITY. She published two Journals in Finance and Management on Women Access to Micro Credit Financing and co-authored a journal on Chama Default in Bungoma County, to help the bank on policy formulation to enable empowering of women through financing and explore the challenges women face in accessing finance. She has worked as the Project Manager in the West of Rift Valley Kenya for the LSOSF and has initiated a number of projects.
She is an accomplished team builder with wide experience in leadership, administration, human and financial resource management, project management, institutional capacity strengthening and community mobilization accumulated through the years. She has a great zeal to document the work of Catholic Sisters and is currently working on a book about the Financial Sustainability for the women religious.
Rev. Prof. Patrick Mwania, CSSp
CERRA-Africa Board Member
Rev. Prof. Patrick Mwania, CSSp
Fr. Prof. Patrick Mwania, CSSp (Dr. Theology) was appointed as the 4 th Vice Chancellor Designate of Tangaza University (TU) on August 3 rd , 2023. He is a Board Member of CERRA-Africa Data Center given that TU is a collaborating partner. He is a member of the Holy Ghost Fathers (Spiritans)
where he ministers as the Parish Priest of St John the Evangelist in the Archdiocese of Nairobi. Fr. Prof. Mwania holds a Doctorate in Sacred Theology- STD with specialization in Mission Theology.
Prior to his appointment as VC, he served at TU as the Director of University Mission, Identity and Chaplaincy as well as External Examiner in the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). Fr Mwania is also a Consultant in Theological and Pastoral Matters for the Kenya Catholic Conference of Bishops and a Theological and Pastoral Programme Adviser for AOSK Chemchemi Institute of Catechetics and Pastoral Ministry.
He has served in various levels of education with a long experience in university education both abroad and in Kenya. Fr Mwania has a wide experience in supervision of post graduate students and service as an External Examiner for universities. He has published widely in international and local journals, an author of books in Theology and a presenter in Theological Forums. Fr Mwania has held various positions in areas of fundraising, development, advisory roles in bodies like RSCK and RMA, as well as leadership roles in his congregation and in the organization of National and international Conferences in TU and in CUEA.
Sr. Dr. Candida Mukundi (ASN)
Board Secretary
Sr. Dr. Candida Mukundi
Sr. Dr. Candida N. Mukundi belongs to the congregation of The Assumption Sisters of Nairobi (ASN). She is the Director of The Centre for Research in Religious Life and Apostolate (CERRA-Africa) and a lecturer in the Faculty of Education at The Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA).
Sister is a beneficiary of Adrian Dominican Sisters Scholarship which enabled her to graduate with a PhD in Education and Leadership with a specialization in Higher Education Administration from Barry University in FL, USA, a Master’s in Education Administration and Planning from The University of Nairobi and a Bachelor of Education from CUEA.
Sr. Candida has demonstrated a great passion for CERRA-Africa a Data Centre initiated and funded by Conrad Hilton Foundation. Under the leadership of the Board of Directors, and working with a committed team of Researchers and administration Staff; She has spearheaded the implementation of the Centre’s Vision, Mission and Goals. She has achieved this by coordinating various applied research initiatives and interventions. Her driving force is enhancing Catholic sisters’ life, apostolate and sustainability as well as facilitating collaboration with partners in ministry to Church and humanity.
As an administrator she spearheaded the establishment of Regina Pacis University College-a Constituent College of CUEA and became the first Principal. She continues to mentor Regina Pacis students and offers leadership in scholarship initiatives for less fortunate students in Regina Pacis. Sr Candida has a passion for teaching Christian Religion Education to student teachers and offering spiritual accompaniment and has acquired a Masters in Christian Spirituality and Certificate in Spiritual Direction for this purpose.
Sr. Dr. Candida Mukundi (ASN)
Research Management Committee Chairperson

Sr. Dr. Bibiana Ngundo (LSOSF)
Senior Lecturer, Catholic University of Eastern Africa
CERRA-Africa Research Management Committee Secretary
Sr. Dr. Bibiana Ngundo
Sr. Dr. Bibiana M. Ngundo is a member of the Congregation of the Little Sisters of St. Francis (LSOSF). She is the Head of Linkages and also a senior lecturer in the department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA). Her area of specialization is African Traditional Religion and Culture.
She is strongly inclined to research. Major research projects accomplished are: Research for Association of Consecrated Women in Central and Eastern Africa (ACWECA) on “The Impact of African beliefs and Practices on Religious Formation and Life” and another for Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC) program.
She has published several articles in refereed journals and an online book entitled “The Diviner in Contemporary African Society”. She has also contributed three book chapters published in “Voices of Courage” ‘Transformation” by ASEC and a third one in “African Family Today” among others. She is also a graduate of The Centre for Applied Research and the Apostolate (CARA) USA
Dr. Jacob Jeketule Soko
Lecturer, Tangaza University College
CERRA-Africa Research Management Committee Member
Dr. Jeketule Jacob Soko
Dr. Jeketule Jacob Soko is a lecturer and MBA program leader at Tangaza University, Kenya. He is also a resource person of Pedagogical Leadership in Africa (PEDAL) training that aims at empowering lecturers with skills on course design, facilitation and assessment for learning.
He is a consultant at Spec Training and Consultancy which carries out assignments on Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Accountability for organizational effectiveness. He has participated in several research writing workshops facilitated by AuthorAid including Research Writing in Environmental Health and Research for Social Sciences. He’s also been trained in the supervision of doctoral candidates through DIES/CREST.
His publications include Quality Service Delivery of Universities, Management for Social Transformation, Marketing for Social transformation, Rehabilitation of Sex Workers in Mwingi Town, Kenya and Agricultural Pesticide use in Malawi.
CERRA-Africa Staff

Sr . Dr. Mary Taabu Simiyu (HHCJ)
Research Coordinator
Sr . Dr. Mary Taabu Simiyu
Sr . Dr. Mary Taabu Simiyu, HHCJ is a Roman Catholic Sister in the Congregation of the Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus (HHCJ). She is a teacher of mathematics and physics by profession and a physicist researcher. Sister holds PhD degree in Physics (Condensed Matter Physics) from the University of Nairobi.
She has published Several papers in material science, Spectroscopy and water filtration. Currently sister is the Regional Superior of the Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus, Kenya Region and research coordinator in CERRA-Africa. She is also a founder of the Bacapo Social Enterprise and Handmaids Social Enterprise.
These enterprises are focused in assist economically disadvantaged humanity access water and food respectively. Sister is a member of Ansole, African Material Science, Optical Society of America, Royal Society of Chemistry, MSSESSA and an award winner of Three-minute Thesis Competition 2019 in Africa.

CPA Caroline C. Chepsiror
Finance and Admin Coordinator
CPA Caroline C. Chepsiror
CPA Caroline C. Chepsiror is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA.K). She holds a Bachelors of commerce from The Catholic University of Eastern Africa-GABA. She has worked as assistant Accountant, Cost Accountant and Procurement officer for two years at World Poles Ltd.
CPA. Caroline has also worked as Internal Auditor with Jackson Wetosi Company and Associates for two years. She has also worked as an internal auditor for Little Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi (East of Rift Valley Region) for two Years.
CPA. Caroline is a finance and tax consultant, a creative accounting professional with varied exposure and experience having great interest and hand-on experience in Financial Modeling, Data Analysis and Investment banking. Currently she is working as the Finance and admin Coordinator at The Center for Research in religious life and Apostolate (CERRA-Africa)

Mr. Michael Kimani Mbae
Administrative Research Assistant
Michael Kimani Mbae
Mr. Michael Kimani Mbae holds a Bachelors of Commerce from The Catholic University of Eastern Africa GABA. He thrives in fast-paced environments and adept at multitasking while maintaining a high level of accuracy and attention to detail.
He has worked as an administrator in a tours and travel agency for three years as well as a Research Assistant Associate for individual Consultants in different Research projects like for Association of Consecrated Women in Eastern & Central Africa (ACWECA)
Mr. Michael has worked in The Center for Research in Religious Life and Apostolate (CERRA-Africa) first as Research Assistant and currently as a Research Administrative Associate. In both positions he has demonstrated passion for research particularly in the realm of data analysis and supports the offices of Research and Capacity Development. He is dedicated to professional growth and development at CERRA-Africa

Sr. Sharon Muthoni Ndung’u (VDM)
Administrative Officer
Sr. Sharon Muthoni Ndungu
Sr. Sharon Muthoni Ndungu is a member of the visitation Daughters of Mary VDM. She is an accomplished educator and passionate researcher with a strong background in literature. She holds a Master’s degree in Literature from the University of Nairobi and has dedicated her career to promoting academic excellence and research-driven education.
She has been a principal at Our Lady of visitation Girls Timau kenya. Alongside her administrative responsibilities, she actively engages in research projects to contribute to the academic community. Sister has a particular interest in literary criticism, cultural studies, and postcolonial literature.
When she is not immersed in research, she enjoys reading books from diverse genres, attending literary festivals, and engaging in thought-provoking discussions with fellow enthusiasts. Currently she is working as a research assistant at CERRA-Africa, where she is engaged in Coordination of Data collection, Documentation and podcasts for congregations. She also supports the Administration office and Reception.

Irene Muindi
Hospitality Officer
Irene Muindi
Irene Muindi is a graduate of St. Therese Training Centre (Donum Dei) in Catering and Accommodation. She has worked in Roussel house, a hotel within St. Therese Centre and Mara Maisha camp in Maasai Mara.
She has also worked with East Africa Growers a fruit packaging company. She is currently working at CERRA-Africa as a hospitality officer where her dedication and enthusiasm shine through in her role.
CERRA-Africa, Zambia Outreach Office
Sr. Charity Bbalo
Research and Capacity Development Coordinator,
CERRA-Africa, Zambia Outreach Office
Sr. Charity Bbalo
Sr. Charity Bbalo is a Religious Sister of the Holy Spirit from the Diocese of Monze, Zambia. She is currently the Research and Capacity Development Coordinator of the Centre for Research in Religious Life and Apostolate (CERRA-Africa) Zambia office.
She holds a Bachelor of Arts with Education (English and Religious Studies) from the University of Zambia and a Master’s degree in Multicultural and International Education from Oslo University College, Norway.
As an educator, Sr. Charity has worked as a Senior Lecturer in a Teacher Training College in the Department of Literacy and Languages Education, and as Deputy Principal in a Girls’ High School. She is passionate about research especially on issues related to religious life, women and the girl-child. She enjoys reading novels and academic articles, and she also likes writing.
Sr. Marianne Sokoloko
Administrative Assistant, CERRA-Africa, Zambia Outreach Office
Sr. Marianne Sokoloko
Sr. Marianne Sokoloko is a member of the religious institute of the Daughters of the Redeemer in Lusaka – Zambia. Currently she works with the Centre for Research in Religious Life and Apostolate (CERRA -Africa) as an Administrative Research Assistant. She is also serving as the Congregational Secretary General and sits on the Council as an Ex-official. She is as a Community Superior.
She holds a Bachelors of Arts in Public Administration and Management with Gender Studies from the University of Zambia (UNZA). She obtained a certificate in Basic Information and Technology from the National Institute for Public Administration (NIPA) in Lusaka – Zambia. She also holds a certificate in psychosocial counselling from Kara Counselling and Training Trust. Apart from this, she holds certificates in Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation from the University of Zambia.
Sr. Marianne has served as the Home-Based Care Coordinator for Mangango Mission in Mongu Diocese. She also worked as the Diocesan Judiciary Tribunal Notary for Zomba Diocese in Malawi. Later on, she was appointed as the Congregational General Bursar for the Daughters of the Redeemer.
Through the different portfolios she has served, Sr. Marianne has vast experience in Management and Administration. She is dedicated to tasks assigned to her and enjoys team work. Away from work, Sr. Marianne enjoys reading, current affairs and adventure.