
History of the Congregation of the Handmaids of the Holy Child Jesus (HHCJ)

The Daughters of Jesus the Good Shepherd (DOJGS) in Kitui share their story with CERRA-Africa.

History of the Assumption Sisters of Nairobi

History of the Sisters of Emmanuel  (SOE) by CERRA-Africa

Opinions From Superiors On CERRA-Africa and How they Envision it in the near Future.

CERRA-AFRICA Data Collectors Explaining Extensively on what CERRA-AFRICA does

Incarnate word sisters

Religious Sisters and Consecrated Women Prayers Month

Congregation Podcasts

Comboni Missionary sisters

CERRA-Africa Launch

CERRA-Africa Receives Second Grant


Episode 8: Sr. Jane Wakahiu – For I Know the Plans I have for You: Servant Leadership Personified